- Apa Maksud DIY? DIY yang kependekan dari Do It Yourself dalam Bahasa Indonesia memiliki arti “lakukan sendiri”. Kata atau aktifitas ini sudah lama digunakan secara umum sejak tahun 1950 di Amerika Serikat. Pada dasarnya, kata ini ditujukan untuk aktifitas yang mandiri mengarah kepada kegiatan membangun, merakit, membuat sendiri tanpa bantuan tenaga ahli atau professional.
The Meaning of DIY
DIY means "the activity of making or repairing things yourself, especially in your home. DIY is an abbreviation for 'do-it-yourself'."
Girl: "How to make DIY conversation heart bBalloons?" Boy: "To make your own DIY conversation heart balloons you will need, Black paint marker, Assorted pastel or shades of red and pink heart balloons" Girl: "And then?" Boy: "4 to 5 feet of ribbon per balloon and Mini helium tank." Girl: "Thank you" |
Example sentences containing 'DIY'
He's useless at DIY. He won't even put up a shelf.
You can get kits to do this from DIY stores.
The DIY market last year was better than the year before.